JBP: Access Management and Scheduling Interface

Room reservation and access control system with desktop and wall-mounted touchscreen interfaces.

User interface design for a conference room reservation application that integrates physical keycard access systems with interactive wall-mounted touch-screen displays and an online reservations portal; each custom designed and built from the ground up to interact with a reservations and building management database.
Allows users to select room configuration and equipment needs, which alerts building staff of current configuration and needed configuration via mobile device. Ending a meeting also notifies staff and puts the room into maintenance mode for reset after use.
Users can also choose whether to make the reservation private, in which case the meeting title will not be displayed to other users or on the wall-mounted interfaces.
Built with hooks to integrate with lighting, climate control, occupancy detection, and security systems. Wall-mounted displays show current weather data pulled from a service. I coded the frontend. Backend is ASP.NET and several proprietary platforms.
(Dummy text is my attempt at corporate-speak.)
Room reservation interface: Desktop view
Room reservation interface, continued: Desktop view
Interface when room is available: Wall-mounted touchscreen display view
Interface when room is available, continued: Wall-mounted touchscreen display view
Interface when room is currently occupied, and options for reservation owner: Wall-mounted touchscreen display view
Interface when room is currently occupied, and options for reservation owner, continued: Wall-mounted touchscreen display view
Interface when room is currently occupied, and options for reservation non-owner: Wall-mounted touchscreen display view
Interface for maintenance staff: Wall-mounted touchscreen display view
Keycard and user management flow and wireframes
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